NEW! HRManifesto's "How to Not Suck as a Boss": A Guidebook for New Managers
Congratulations! You're a new manager! what?
Now here's your secret weapon to ensure a confident start in your new management position!
I've helped onboard countless leaders in my career as an HR professional and know firsthand what matters most when you start a new role. Use this guidebook as an effective tool to help you focus your attention on in the early days of a new management position.
This guidebook is intended to help you transition into your new role, team, and organization as smoothly as possible, as it is often the case that the majority of new managers start new experiences with too little direction, support, and resources.
This 120* page guidebook includes the following "ready to fill out" template prompt pages for you to write in your own notes and experiences as you begin your new job:
- Motivational notes to self
- Guidance and words of wisdom for managers throughout
- Meeting template guides
- Key systems notes
- Team meeting templates
- People to Know template
- Space to sketch out organizational and team structures
- Space to capture corporate acronyms
- Prompts for meetings with your employees
- 30-60-90 day goals
- Key project notes
*Note that page count is less for "Limited PDF" variant
The Fine Print: This is a guidebook designed and authored by HRManifesto, LLC for your personal use. These materials are not to be widely distributed, forwarded or profited from without permission from the owner.